Free use premises, 300 m², Lori Region, Vanadzor, улица Мовсеса Хоренаци - buy at TunMun
Free use premises, 300 m²
1 floor from 2
Lori Region, Vanadzor, улица Мовсеса Хоренаци
50 321 700
167 739
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About the Object

  • Property Type Free use premises
  • Area 300 m²
  • Floor 1
  • Log in Separate from the street
  • Condition Standard repairs

About House


Commercial property for sale in Vanadzor, 300 sq.m. Two-storey building, the area of ​​each floor is 150 m2, each floor has a bathroom, air conditioning. completely renovated, three-phase electricity. Now the first floor is rented out for a bakery shop, if desired, it can continue to work. Suitable for shop, manufacturing, office and other service activities.
Telegram @Ilya198327


Monthly payment
Free use premises, 300 m²
1 floor from 2
Lori Region, Vanadzor, улица Мовсеса Хоренаци
50 321 700
167 739 ֏/m²
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